More than two thirds of humanity
will be living in cities by 2050
Finiteness of Nature of Resources
Only about 1% of global water resources
are directly accessible as drinking water
Our Livelihoods are Dwindling
Every year some 13 million hectares of forests disappears worldwide.
One third of the area of Germany.
Our Passion
We develop solutions.
For the conservation of resources.
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Langenberger Innovation Group


Growing Together into The Future

Through its deep networking in the market, the LIG offers innovative medium-sized companies the opportunity for sustainable and autonomous development and the exploitation of the full growth potential of their business models.

Stronger Together!

Against the background of internationalization, it is becoming increasingly difficult for medium-sized companies to survive as an independently operating company and brand. We believe in the strength of the community!

Preserve Strengths!

The brands in our group can further develop their strengths and, with the support of a strong partner, eliminate their weaknesses.

Guarantee sustainability!

We achieve success in the partnership by having common set of rules of the game. This also offers great opportunities for open company successions. Sustainability is ensured by Healthy finances.

The LIG in Brief:

LIG is the abbreviation for "Langenberger Innovation Group" and makes clear its own aspiration as an innovative force in the market of recycling management, bio-energy and environmental technology. The LIG emerged from the former Doppstadt family holding in order to provide a suitable framework for the entrepreneurial passion and goals of the shareholder Ferdinand Doppstadt beyond the borders of the Doppstadt Group.

The strategic orientation focuses on products and services that serve to secure and sustainably manage limited resources.

Growth potential predictions are enormous in the business areas of the LIG.

"We are part of a highly dynamic future market
that will continue to grow in importance in the coming years. The conflict between the increasing global demand for raw materials and the foreseeable finite nature of our resources can only be resolved through sustainable processing, recycling and extraction technologies as well as innovative control concepts.

The sense and goal of my actions is to participate in this future. “

Ferdinand Doppstadt (Shareholder)


Teamwork, pioneering spirit and enthusiasm for what we do are building blocks of our success as a strong community 

Business Fields

garbage-4280112_640_Bild von DarkWorkX auf Pixabay_eingefaerbt


Recycling serves to conserve resources by returning waste to the economic cycle.
LIG invests in companies that have been successfully providing solutions for a wide range of recycling processes for decades.

stone-2250695_1280_Bild von Rochas Brasil Pedras Decorativas auf Pixabay

Mineral & Raw Materials

The LIG invests in companies with a focus on primary and secondary raw material processing in the gravel & sand, quarry and mining sectors.

energy-4828337_640_Bild von Colin Behrens auf Pixabay


Energy production from biomass is sustainable, as it substitutes the consumption of fossil fuels. LIG participations develop and market components that are used for biomass production in forestry and composting.

tin-can-431590_640_Bild von BRRT auf Pixabay


Metal production is extremely intensive on resources and energy. Therefore, metal recycling was already used in ancient times and is more than ever important today. The LIG invests in the areas of metal separation and metal processing.

faucet-1449975_Steen Jepsen auf pixabay.com


Water-based separation processes have a special significance in environmental technology and require extensive process engineering know-how. LIG involvement offers individual solutions for water treatment and sludge treatment.

spanner-3013135_640_Bild von Chris Reading auf Pixabay


The LIG Group implements its customized special services for clients worldwide. These include, for example, the cleaning of the lagoon in Venice or the removal of contaminated soil in Fukushima.

cloud-computing-Wynn Pointaux auf Pixabay_neu

Digital Solutions

Digitale Technologien werden die Zukunft aller Lebensbereiche maßgeblich beeinflussen. Dieser Bereich wird einer der größten Innovations-motoren weltweit. Daher engagieren wir uns in vielfältiger Weise für die Nutzbarmachung in unseren Kernbranchen.

Brands of the LIG Group


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Our Brands